#46 — 35.23N 139.30E [FAC 3097] E5150xx - Digital/Analog Intermix

#46 — 35.23N 139.30E [FAC 3097] E5150xx - Digital/Analog Intermix
In this new work (an extension of his 2004 Turbulence.org commission, Prototype #44, Net Pirate Number Station), Yoshi Sodeoka continues his exploration into telecommunication technologies and espionage.
#46 — 35.23N 139.30E [FAC 3097] E5150xx - Digital/Analog Intermix documents a psychedelic virtual video trip to the Fukaya Communication Site (Naval Transmitter Station Totsuka), near Sodeoka's childhood home in Yokohama, Japan. Classified as a US army jurisdictional area for many decades, entry to the site by non-American citizens was strictly prohibited. Mysterious and and inaccessible to its Japanese neighbors, the site garnered a reputation as a center of criminal espionage activities involving Russia and North Korea. A group of local women went missing near the Site in quick succession. Adults warned children not to approach the area.
Today, the perfectly circular 773,747m² zone comprising Fukaya endures as an enigmatic symbol of the cold war era. The US agreed to return the site to the Japanese government in 2004, though a specific transfer date has yet to be determined. And while many of the old antenna facilities have been dismantled for safety reasons, Fukaya--with its large and rusty broadcasting towers still standing like ghostly ruins--remains, by and large, unchanged.
#46 — 35.23N 139.30E [FAC 3097] E5150xx - Digital/Analog Intermix documents a psychedelic virtual video trip to the Fukaya Communication Site (Naval Transmitter Station Totsuka), near Sodeoka's childhood home in Yokohama, Japan. Classified as a US army jurisdictional area for many decades, entry to the site by non-American citizens was strictly prohibited. Mysterious and and inaccessible to its Japanese neighbors, the site garnered a reputation as a center of criminal espionage activities involving Russia and North Korea. A group of local women went missing near the Site in quick succession. Adults warned children not to approach the area.
Today, the perfectly circular 773,747m² zone comprising Fukaya endures as an enigmatic symbol of the cold war era. The US agreed to return the site to the Japanese government in 2004, though a specific transfer date has yet to be determined. And while many of the old antenna facilities have been dismantled for safety reasons, Fukaya--with its large and rusty broadcasting towers still standing like ghostly ruins--remains, by and large, unchanged.